Cassandra Cheatsheet

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About Cassandra


When to use Cassandra

Cassandra is a great choice for a database when...

High Level Overview

Cassandra nodes are typically represented in a ring because there is no master node - it is a true peer to peer system.

All data stored in Cassandra is associated with a token value. Each data center has a set of token values, and each node in the data center is assigned to manage a portion of the token values. Virtual nodes can exist within each node. Virtual nodes distribute the load of token values somewhat randomly, making it so that each vnode is replicated on a different node. See this article for further reading.


Term Meaning
node A server running an instance of cassandra.
token A single token associated with a piece of data. "Token" is also often used to refer to a range of tokens.
vnode A virtual node. Virtual nodes are used to distribute token values on a single physical node.
snitch Snitches are used by cassandra internally to learn about the nodes. See SimpleSnitch, GossipingPropertyFileSnitch, PropetyFileSnitch, etc.
dc A data center is a grouping of nodes. Each data center has its own set of tokens.
rack Each node in a data center is part of a rack. Racks do not require an even distribution of nodes. Data center replication will be evenly distributed among racks. Each rack will evenly distribute the replication among the nodes on the rack.
keyspace Data is organized at the highest level into keyspaces. The oracle or mysql analog is tablespace. Replication is specified at the keyspace level.
table Pretty close to mysql definition - columns are defined, and rows of data are stored in the table.
partition All data is associated with a partition key. A table contains partitions.
row Also close to mysql definition. Rows represent data within paritions.

Naming Conventions / Rules

Best advice: Don't get creative. Stick with alpha, lowercase, snake-case names.

Setting up a Cassandra cluster

Creating a Sandbox Cluster

This sandbox is created using docker, VirtualBox, and boot2docker.

boot2docker --memory=4096 init
boot2docker up
$(boot2docker shellinit)
boot2docker status

docker run --name=n1 -d tobert/cassandra
docker exec -it n1 nodetool status
docker exec -it n1 nodetool ring
docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' n1
#The inspect command will output an IP address to be used in the next command
docker run --name n2 -d tobert/cassandra -seeds


Cassandra configuration is stored in cassandra.yaml file. By default this file is located at /data/conf/cassandra.yaml.

Property Description
num_tokens The number of virtual nodes, vnodes, to use in this node. Default is 256.
seed_provider Defines the seeds for the node.
endpoint_snitch The snitch type for the node.

Creating Cassandra Nodes with Docker

docker run --name n2 -d tobert/cassandra -seeds -dc DC1 -rack RACK1
Option Description
-seeds When adding a new node to an existing Cassandra cluster, the new node should be initialized with a comma separated list of ip addresses of existing nodes using -seeds <ip-address-1>,<ip-address-2>
-dc Give a name of the data center. e.g. -dc DC-1
-rack Give the rack name. e.g. -rack R-1

By default, this file is located at /data/conf/

The dc (data center) and rack are stored in this properties file. This file is read in at node start-up and gossiped out to the other nodes in the cluster.

Working with cassandra


The cqlsh command line utility allows for interacting with Cassandra directly.

Command Description
cqlsh Launch the shell and connect to the default node. Default is localhost:9160; this can be changed by setting $CQLSH_HOST and/or $CQLSH_PORT
cqlsh -h Display the help docs.
cqlsh <address> Connect to a remote node. The address can be an ip address or a url.
cqlsh <address> -u <user-name> Connect to a remote with the specified user. This will open up an interactive prompt if a password is required.
cqlsh <address> -u <user-name> -p <password> Authenticated remote login. Note that password will be visible as plain text on console if -p is used.
cqlsh -k <keyspace> Authenticate to the provided keyspace.
cqlsh -f <file-path.cql> Execute commands from the file and then exit.
cqlsh -e "<cql-command>" Execute a CQL command and then exit. For example, cqlsh -e "SELECT id FROM sample_keyspace.my_table"
cqlsh --cqlversion=<version> Use the specified version of CQL. For example, cqlsh --cqlversion=3.0.3

Once inside of a cqlsh prompt, these commands are available:

Command Description
help Show the help docs.
use <keyspace> Use the specified keyspace. Allows accessing tables without prefixing with keyspace..
tracing <on/off> Turn tracing on or off
desc Describe a keyspace or table.
source <filepath> Execute a file containing CQL statements.
expand <on/off> If expand is on, each row printed to the console will be on its own line. Much easier to read!
nodetool Useful tool for interacting with nodes. The nodetool command can be run from cqlsh on any node in the cluster and will yield the same results.
nodetool help Display help docs.
nodetool status Shows the status of the cassandra nodes in the cluster
nodetool status <keyspace> Shows the status of the cassandra nodes that own the specified keyspace.
nodetool ring Shows the token ranges for the node. Each row represents a vnode
nodetool describering <keyspace> Shows the token ranges where all data would go for the specified keyspace.
nodetool repair Repair inconsistencies in data across nodes.
nodetool pausehandoff Pauses automatic hand-offs, or data repair. Can be useful when trying to trace hand-offs.
nodetool cfstats <table-name> Displays detailed stats on the table, including read and write activity. Useful for ensuring that a table really is not in use before dropping it.

CQL (Cassandra Query Language)

Cassandra originally using a Thrift API (2008). CQL was introduced in Cassandra 0.8 in 2011.

CQL interacts with keyspaces, tables, and rows. Partitions, are implicitly handled within tables.

Note - both INSERT and UPDATE are functionally upsert statements (insert or update). Note - Use the IN () selector with caution. An IN will cause a single coordinator node to search through multiple partitions. It can become more efficient to perform multiple select queries rather than using a large IN clause to do a single select.

Command Description Examples
CREATE Use to create a keyspace or table. CREATE KEYSPACE sample WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor':3};

CREATE TABLE my_table (id text, size int, PRIMARY KEY (id))
INSERT Use to update or insert table data. INSERT INTO my_table (id) VALUES ('guid');
UPDATE Update or insert data in a table. UPDATE my_table SET author = 'paul-ofallon' WHERE id = 'cassandra-developers';
DELETE Delete data from a table. DELETE FROM my_table WHERE id = 'asdf'
DROP Drop / delete a table or keyspace. DROP KEYSPACE sample;

DROP TABLE my_table;
ALTER Alter a table or keyspace. ALTER KEYSPACE sample WITH DURABLE_WRITES = true;
TRUNCATE Remove all data from a table. TRUNCATE my_table;
WITH Used to specify properties. CREATE TABLE my_table (id varchar PRIMARY KEY) WITH comment='A table';
WRITETIME Function that returns a unix timestamp for when something was written. SELECT id, WRITETIME(author) FROM my_table;

CQL Examples

CREATE KEYSPACE pluralsight WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor':1};

CREATE TABLE courses (id varchar PRIMARY KEY);
ALTER TABLE courses ADD duration int;
ALTER TABLE courses ADD released timestamp;
ALTER TABLE courses ADD author varchar;
DROP TABLE courses;

CREATE TABLE courses (
  id varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  name varchar,
  author varchar,
  audience int,
  duration int,
  hasClosedCaptions boolean,
  released timestamp

SELECT id, title FROM;
SELECT title, duration AS length FROM WHERE id = 'cassandra-developers';
SELECT title, published FROM WHERE id IN ('cassandra-developers', 'node-intro');

INSERT INTO (id, author) VALUES ('cassandra-developers', 'paul-ofallon');
UPDATE SET author = 'paul-ofallon' WHERE id = 'cassandra-developers';
UPDATE SET author = 'paul-ofallon' WHERE id IN ('cassandra-developers', 'node-intro');


-- Delete a row
DELETE FROM WHERE id = 'node-intro';

-- Delete a column
DELETE author FROM WHERE id = 'node-intro';
UPDATE SET author = null WHERE id = 'node-intro';
INSERT INTO (id, author) VALUES ('node-intro', null);

-- Use a TTL (length of time in seconds) for a single column
UPDATE pluralsight.users USING TTL 32400 SET reset_token = 'asdf' WHERE id = 'john-doe';
SELECT TTL(reset_token) FROM pluralsight.users WHERE id = 'john-doe';

-- Use a TTL for an entire row
-- Only insert statements can be used to set a TTL for an entire row. Can't be done with UPDATE.
INSERT INTO pluralsight.reset_tokens (id, token) VALUES ('john-doe', 'asdoij') USING TTL 10800;

-- Use a TTL for the entire table. The entire table will be tombstoned after the TTL expires.
CREATE TABLE reset_tokens (
  id varchar PRIMARY KEY,
  token varchar
) WITH default_time_to_live = 10800;

-- If you have a table of id, partition_key, and you want to get one row for each id and the first partition_key, you can use this query:
SELECT DISTINCT id, partition_key FROM table;

-- Working with Collections
-- set<type>
INSERT INTO courses (id, name, features) VALUES ('node-intro', 'Introduction to Node.js', {'cc', 'transcript'});
UPDATE courses SET features = features + {'cc'} WHERE id = 'node-intro'; -- the + symbol adds to the set.
UPDATE courses SET features = features - {'cc'} WHERE id = 'node-intro'; -- the - symbol removes from the set.
UPDATE courses SET features = {} WHERE id = 'node-intro'; -- create an empty set.

-- list<type>
INSERT INTO courses (id, clips) VALUES ('node-intro', ['Getting Started']);
UPDATE courses SET clips = ['Introduction'] + clips WHERE id = 'node-intro'; -- prepend to the front of the list
UPDATE courses SET clips = clips + ['Introduction'] WHERE id = 'node-intro'; -- append to the back of the list
UPDATE courses SET clips = clips - ['Introduction'] WHERE id = 'node-intro'; -- removes all matching elements from the list.
UPDATE courses SET clips[0] = 'Introduction' WHERE id = 'node-intro'; -- add to list by position. Use indexing as you would in an array.
DELETE clips[0] FROM courses WHERE id = 'node-intro';

-- map<key-type,value-type>
INSERT INTO users (id, last_login) VALUES ('john-doe', {'abcde': '2015-06-30 09:02:24'});
UPDATE users SET last_login['abcde'] = '2015-09-12 07:01:34' WHERE id = 'john-doe';
UPDATE users SET last_login = last_login + {'abcde': '2015-06-30 09:02:24'} WHERE id = 'john-doe';
UPDATE users SET last_login = last_login - {'abcde': '2015-06-30 09:02:24'} WHERE id = 'john-doe';
DELETE last_login['abcde'] FROM users WHERE id = 'john-doe'
UPDATE users set last_login = {} WHERE id = 'john-doe'

-- secondary indexes
CREATE TABLE users (id varchar, first_name varchar, tags set<varchar>, PRIMARY KEY (id));
CREATE INDEX ON users(tags);
INSERT INTO users (id, first_name, tags) VALUES ('john-doe','John', {'java'});
SELECT * FROM users WHERE tags CONTAINS 'java';

-- a secondary index for a map
CREATE INDEX ON table(KEYS(map_column));
SELECT * FROM table WHERE map_column CONTAINS KEY 'foo';

Cassandra Data Types


Replication strategy is defined at the keyspace level.


The replication_factor tells cassandra how many copies of each partition in the keyspace to store.

create keyspace <keyspace-name> with replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3};


When using NetworkTopologyStrategy, you specify how many copies of each partition to store in each data center.

create keyspace <keyspace-name> with replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', '<dc-name>': 3, '<dc-name>': 2};


partition keys

The primary key is defined as the first partition key.

A single primary key can be specified using CREATE TABLE my_table (id varchar PRIMARY KEY, title varchar); or CREATE TABLE my_table (id varchar, title varchar, PRIMARY KEY (id)).

A composite primary key is specified using CREATE TABLE my_table (id varchar, title varchar, name varchar, PRIMARY KEY ((id, title)));

clustering keys

A composite key is specified using PRIMARY KEY(partition_key, clustering_key). For example: CREATE TABLE my_table (id varchar, title varchar, name varchar, PRIMARY KEY (id, title));

When clustering keys are used, the data inserted can be visualized as an entirely separate row. All of the common data must be inserted each time unless static columns are used.

A partition can hold a maximum of 2 billion cells. All of the data from a single partition must fit on a single node in the cluster. To address these limitations, consider ways to appropriately bucket the data. For example, when storing timestamps for events, buckets could be created for year, month, and day, depending on the volume that is anticipated. Another approach would be to create a bucket_id key that is a string of your choosing (e.g. "2016-12-07").


The STATIC modifying makes static fields associated with the partition key rather than including all of that data in each of the clusterking key rows.

Secondary index

A secondary index allows you to query based on columns that are not part of the primary or clustering keys.

Do not use a secondary index when...

In cases where a secondary index cannot, or should not, be used, a separate table can be used as a manual index. For example, if you have a courses table with a static tags collections and you want to be able to query for courses by tag, you can create a separate table that has a primary key of (tag, course_id) which can serve as an index.

Reads and Writes

Each node in the cluster functions the same. The node that you connect to when making a query becomes the 'coordinator node'. Nodes that get written to in a statement are called 'replica nodes'.

Single data center consistency options:

Option Description
ONE Write/read succeeds after writing/reading data to/from a single node.
TWO Write/read succeeds after writing/reading data to/from two nodes.
THREE Write/read succeeds after writing/reading data to/from three nodes.
QUORUM Write/read succeeds after writing/reading data to/from a majority of the available nodes.
ALL Write/read succeeds after writing/reading data to/from all of the available nodes.
ANY Write/read succeeds after writing/reading data to/from any of the available nodes (including just making it to the coordinator node).

Multiple data centers consistency options:

Option Description
EACH_QUORUM A quorum succeeds in each data center before returning success
LOCAL_QUORUM A quorum succeeds in the data center that contains the coordinator node.
LOCAL_ONE Same as ONE, but only looks in the data center of the coordinator node.

If a node is down when a write occurs so that the node misses data, the data will be repaired during a read.

To see what the default consistency is, run consistency;

To set the default consistency to use from the command line, use consistency <level>; e.g. consistency quorum;

If the consistency required cannot be achieved, the read or write will fail.


A batch is not a transaction - it does not have rollback support. A batch does guarantee that every command in the batch will be executed. Batches are useful for keeping related data in sync.




When something is deleted in Cassandra, a tombstone is created. The tombstone is treated just a like a write, so that nodes that are down can be repaired. When the node that was down when the delete occurred comes back online, the normal read repair process will update the node with the tombstone.

Tombstones are automatically garbage collected on a configurable interval (default is 10 days). It is important not to clean up tombstones too quickly, because if the tombstones are removed, and then a node that was offline when the tombstone was created comes back online, the the read repair will restore the data from the node that was offline when the delete occurred, making it so that the data that was supposed to be deleted comes back into the database.

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Josh Egan